The Rotary Club of Stirling
The Big Picture
Rotary International has 1.4 million members worldwide belonging to 46,000 clubs. $330 million is raised annually for global service initiatives involving 47 million volunteer hours. There are seven major areas of focus:
- Promoting Peace
- Supporting Education
- Eradicating disease
- Providing clean water and improved hygiene
- Saving mothers and children
- Growing local communities
- Protecting the environment
The Local Picture
Rotary is celebrating 100 years in South Australia. Rotary in Stirling has been serving the Adelaide Hills community and beyond for 50 years, undertaking activities and raising funds that make a difference to the community.

Some of our local and international projects have been:
Adelaide Hills Council Youth initiative program
Stirling Hospital
Heathfield High School leadership awards
Rotary Youth Exchange
Youth Sail Training on the One & All
Youth Driver Awareness
National Youth Science Forum
Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal
Trees for Life
Bushfire Preparedness
Onkaparinga Fire Recovery Fencing project
Murray Bridge Food Bank
Peace Poles at Bridgewater and Basket Range primary schools
The Hut Food Bank program
Torrens Valley Kindergarten
Mens’ Sheds in Aldgate and Uraidla
End Polio – a Rotary International Worldwide Disease Prevention Program
Birthing Kits to support women in developing countries
Water and Sanitation in Timor Leste
School refurbishment in Northern Sumatra
Food and drinking water aid to people of Kherson, Ukraine

We raise our funds through BBQs, wine bottlings and through community events like Sculpture Exhibitions (6 of these so far) and the Hills Small Acreage Field Days. We are proud to be a part of this incredible organisation which remains the oldest and largest service network in the world.
The Hills Small Acreage Field Days are a community initiative of the Rotary Club of Stirling. It was established to support residents of the Hills, local retailers and service providers recovering from the economic consequences of bushfires and COVID. There is much to appreciate about living in the Hills but also much to learn about how best to live sustainably and safely.
Organising Committee
Greg Russell, Ron Malcolm, Andrew Cass, John Norris and Pauline Annear.