The Rotary Club of Stirling welcomes your participation in the 2024 Hills Small Acreage Field Days. To ensure that your company is clear on the arrangements for participation, these terms and conditions outline the responsibilities of the Rotary Club of Stirling (RCS), the Echunga Recreation Grounds Committee (ERGC) and our Field Day Exhibitors
- The Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions.
- The Exhibitor shall have licence to occupy the site(s) as nominated during the period of the event. They do so at their own risk, must arrange for their own marquees, tables and chairs and are responsible for the condition of that site(s) and for the safety of visitors and their employees while visiting the site in compliance with the Terms and Conditions. There will be no access to the site outside of the nominated hours. Camping overnight is prohibited.
- All sites must be staffed and open to the public during the operating hours from 9:00am to 4:00pm. At the conclusion of the event on Sunday 10 November, the Exhibitor may commence dismantling at 4:00pm but vehicle and heavy equipment movement is prohibited until 4:30pm. The Exhibitors must clear the site(s) by no later than noon on Monday, 11 November and the site(s) must be reinstated to the same condition as at the commencement of the licence to the satisfaction of RCS. Any costs of repair or restoration of the site(s) shall be borne by the Exhibitor.
- SECURITY services at night and flood lighting will be provided, however, RCS and the ERGC shall not be responsible for the loss of or damage to the Exhibitor’s property during the event including during the set up and dismantling periods.
- SAFETY: This event will comply with all government requirements. This includes but is not limited to Work Health and Safety requirements to ensure the safety of employees, exhibitors, contractors and the public. Structures must be well secured and weighted down. No tent pegs are permitted due to the presence of buried irrigation lines. In order to minimise disruption and to ensure the safety of persons on the site, after 8:30am and before 4:30pm during the event, no machinery, vehicles, heavy equipment or other articles being displayed shall be moved from the Exhibitor’s site(s). Emergency vehicles will be exempt to this provision. No livestock or pets, other than those with prior approval, are allowed anywhere on the site during the event and during the set up and dismantling periods.
- POWER: Outside exhibitors should provide their own power source. Marquee exhibitors may have power available for a fee. Only the use of quiet generators is permitted. Electrical leads and equipment must have a current “test and tag” certification and have residual current device (RCD) earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) protection installed in the circuitry. The use of generators, amplifiers or loud speakers should not negatively impact on other Exhibitors. RCS officials shall have the right to order the volume to be reduced to a level acceptable or the offending equipment switched off and the Exhibitor is bound to comply with the official’s direction.
- RCS at its discretion may refuse any site application.
- RCS shall have the right to nominate the location of the site(s) applied for by the Exhibitor. Assigning or subletting the site requires the written permission of the RCS.
- For any sound and prudent reason, the RCS may at its entire discretion, cancel or postpone the event and this license shall cease to operate, upon notice to that effect being served on the Exhibitor. The RCS shall not be liable to the Exhibitor for any compensation on the grounds of loss of profits or otherwise in respect of such cancellation or postponement and the Exhibitor shall not be entitled to any refund of money paid for the occupation of a site. Notwithstanding the RCS at its sole discretion and taking into account the circumstances will consider partial refunds.
- All Exhibitors must have a minimum of $10 million Public Liability Insurance and provide before the 6October 2024 a copy of their insurance Certificate of Currency covering the event period from 8 to 11 November 2024. Exhibitors indemnify RCS and the ERGC for all claims and demands for loss or damage to property or for injury to any person. The RCS is not liable to the exhibitor and the exhibitor releases the RCS and the ERGC from any breach of contract or duty of care.
- Officials appointed by the RCS shall have the right to remove any advertising material regarded as offensive.
- The Exhibitor agrees that 50 percent refunds are given for a cancellation made in writing at least 21 days prior to the first scheduled day of the event and that no refund is made on cancellations by the Exhibitor within 20 days of the event.
- ln order to protect the surface of the ovals, heavy machinery or vehicles with rib tyres will be allocated to areas on exhibition.